The Past Six Months in Photos

Yesterday we were talking about how Cambridge has just so much material for good photos. And the husband says “Oh you don’t take good photos.” As soon as I got over the shock of my skills being so bluntly...

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Discovering Rain

Baby N discovered rain today. I often wonder what goes on in children’s minds as they discover and figure out new things in the world around them. Every little thing is so new, so full of wonder for them. Every time I...

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In pursuit of deer

‘Twas a long holiday weekend. And after three straight days of feeling under the weather, bingeing on ice cream and a Breaking Bad marathon, we thought we should venture out and do some sightseeing outside Cantt and Gulberg...

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Fries = Love

Fries, my unhealthy love. Most who know me can testify to the lengths I can go to for the love of fries. And then,  to discover that my love for them is not unrequited, after all. Somewhere near HBL Plaza, you get the most...

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Some Cambridge love

When I first came to Cambridge three years ago, my first thought was “How do people even live here?” A quaint little town, it seemed to be stuck in time. It was as if I had stepped back into history. So the buildings were...

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